Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dear Friends,

Well, obviously, we're back! And we missed you terribly. We also were immeasurably cheered by your thoughtful comments and notes, so thank you, thank you, thank you.

After nearly a month without the Internet, and only the most rudimentary e-mail access, you can imagine that we're a bit backlogged, and not just with SSUWAT-related affairs. So please be patient as we continue to get back into the swing of things; updates may not be very frequent at first.

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our return post about Madame Gumm -- we purposely made it one of our more long-winded ones (and with videos, yet!), so that you won't miss our daily updates too much.

Did we mention how much we love and appreciate you?


  1. So marvellous to have you back - your absence has made our dull wet windy cold summer in little old England all the more miserable.

  2. Oh so glad to see that you are still blogging. I need SSUWAT. Don't ever forget, that you are the best. <3

  3. I need the frequent doses of fabulousness you provide! I'm glad you got your internet back; it's gotten to the point where it's hard to exist without it!

  4. Hooray! You were sorely sorely missed baby!

  5. YOU'RE BACK!!!!! I'm so happeeeee!


  6. We've missed you, love! It's so wonderful to see you back! xo *cheers!*

  7. We've missed you, love! It's so wonderful to see you back! xo *cheers!*

  8. So great to see you back!
    Now i can smile again! :-)
