Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dance Break

"You put your left foot in..."


  1. I love a world that has a Dorothy Provine tag. The fact that there was another post when I clicked on it was just heaven on earth.

  2. Of course! We're all friends of Dorothy at SSUWAT!

  3. I love this picture and had never seen it before. So interesting that Dorothy is just having a lark, playful Edie seems to be trying hard to focus and not fall over, yet Merm has this odd sort of restrained expression as if skillfully completing the task of walking/kicking in formation takes precedence over anything trifling such as cutting loose and having fun!

  4. No matter how roughed up their costumes got, their hair was perfect.

  5. What a great photo! I always liked Dorothy Provine. It is too bad she did not become a bigger name in movies. I highly recommend her two albums of 1920s songs which are now available on CD.

    It is true about the hair, as AsktheCoolCookie wrote! It is interesting, too, how the paint splotches on Edie's dress are rather artfully applied. It looks like her dress has a flowers in a garden pattern on it.
