Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Taylor Trailer Trash


  1. Mmm, a mini-Taylor festival! I love BOOM and must re-watch it, if only for that set and what is left of Tennessee's play, but SECRET CEREMONY is just too outre - I just can't take Mia seriously here! and Z y & ZEE is certainly a trash classic - Bad Movies We Love perhaps - particularly when Margaret Leighton (Mrs Wilding) is on as the stoned hippie in the transparent top! How sad Susannah also departed this year.

  2. Oy. I guess they can't all be classics...

  3. BOOM is such a bizarre delight. You get the feeling they all partied their butts off throughout the production, and seeing Coward as The Witch of Capri is worth the viewing alone.

  4. Where is the VIPS? I still dream of her mink lined hooded coat.

  5. Wow! I have never before seen any clips from "Secret Ceremony." It looks heinous and absolutely preposterous. I felt like laughing. I can't imagine audiences of the time viewing that trailer and feeling any differently than I did when I watched it today.

    About a dozen years ago my partner and a friend and I watched "Boom!" We were expecting a fun bad movie, but instead found it to be a bad bad movie. Our friend fell asleep, if I remember correctly! Our main memory of it is hearing Richard Burton giving an offscreen monologue in his rich, mellifluous voice, and hearing Elizabeth respond, "WHAAAAT?" in a caw that would have done a crow proud. It was her voice at its most high-pitched and shrill. We still laugh about that line.
