ayem8y, thoughtful, dirty pirate that he is, recently gave us the cyber gift of a little tsotchke from Parzinger, Inc.; the one-time mecca for elite New Yorkers in search of elegant yet modern furnishings, decor, and objets d'art.

Tommi Parzinger fled Nazi Germany in 1932, and settled in New York City. By 1939, he had established Parzinger, Inc. (later Parzinger Originals) on Madison Avenue, and was attracting a moneyed clientele of society folk and celebrities. He reached the height of his success and popularity in the 1950's; his client roster included everyone from the Duponts and the Rockefellers, to Marilyn Monroe.
Parzinger's style was modern, yet not severe; we admit to not knowing diddly about interior design, but we know what we like: and we like Parzinger's restrained luxury and clean lines -- he appeals to our deco/mid-century modern sensibilities, while retaining a human warmth. Since the least expensive item we could find was the champagne cooler for $3000, we will demurely accept any last minute Christmas gifts.

Oh, I want! It. All.
ReplyDelete(but especially that lamp)
That champagne cooler looks ready for take-off!
ReplyDeleteIt's all timelessly chic, except for the 50's lamp,
but then many good designers lost their way in that decade.
I'm always thrilled when the gift matches the personality. Mr. Parzinger is kind of handsome too. Enjoy and Happy New Year sweetie.
ReplyDeleteJason -- Rock, paper, scissors?
ReplyDeleteToby -- I know; but I still rather like it. I think I'd bring them out of storage for a 50's-esque cocktail party; you know, the kind where my h'ors d'oeuvres are "penguins" constructed from hard boiled eggs and olives.
ayem8y -- Yes, he is described as "elegant and handsome" in his biography. Girlfriend had it goin' on.