Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Guess Who I Saw Today On The DL?

We don't know how we missed seeing this fabulous mini-movie (set to one of our all-time favorite songs), but many thanks to the uber-fabulous Toby Worthington for drawing our attention to it.


  1. One of my FAVORITE songs, right up there with "Something Cool". Great versions by Eydie Gorme and Janis Siegel. Love it!

  2. Oh, Thombeau, I wish you could have been avec moi at Marilyn Maye's last show here in town, devoted entirely to songs attributed to a "character" she jokingly dubbed "The Lady At The Bar": "Guess Who I Saw Today," "Something Cool," "Lush Life," "Wee Small Hours," etc.

  3. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase,
    "I've never been so shocked before..."
    Really brilliant re-thinking of that song.
