Thursday, April 30, 2009

So, You Do Know Who She Is?

Yes, our last Mystery Guest was Miss Bette Davis. We probably should have known better than to choose The Fourth Warner Brother as a subject when our readership is comprised largely of savvy homosexuals; the always-fabulous Poseidon3 wins a gourmet Tweet 'n' Turf dinner* for being the first to spot her.

*Canary and rat a la bordelaise.


  1. Thank you! I didn't KNOW that it was her, but those CHEEKS.....! Hard to mistake. Love my prize, too. lol

  2. We probably should have known better than to choose The Fourth Warner Brother as a subject when our readership is comprised largely of savvy homosexuals

    …and the fag hags who love them.

  3. they say that Joan Crawford
    threw herself at Bette Davis
    when they worked together
    but bette wasnt having it

    can you imagine?
