Monday, December 13, 2010

Still a Mystery

Darlings, we had fully intended to reveal our latest Mystery Guest's identity this morning, but, alas -- Real Life and its encroachment on our time continues unabated. We will endeavor to satisfy your burning curiosity by Wednesday at the very latest; in the meantime, why not throw a few more guesses into the pool?


  1. I still am guessing Julie Newmar is the MG, with Doris Day as my backup.

    And a toast to my beloved What's My Line, which finally returns TONIGHT! *cheers!* It'll be a thrill to again spend the wee small hours with the fabulous Miss Francis, Miss Kilgallen, Mr. Cerf, Messers Allen (Steve and Fred), and Mr. Daly!

  2. Wait, do we not get one or two clues....the panel would!

  3. It seems to me that either Debbie Reynolds or Doris Day are the only two that could (or should even try to) pull off that Sailor Jumper business.

  4. What Felix said. All the outfits look perfect for both of them.

    This comment brought to you by Stopette--"Poof! there goes perspiration".
