Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Greatest Copy Ever Written?

A few bare inches of smooth, supple, SHAPE-SHOWING MALENESS in soft Egyptian cotton. In colors that dare. In stores that care.

Enlarge photo if you dare. Or care.

Remarkably, this pre-dates International Male by quite a few years. It also introduced Jack Scalia to the public at large (via his pubic at large).


  1. oooh, I remember Jack Scalia.

    But seriously, anything that is prefaced by "Le French" has to be good.

  2. Especially if it shapes your maleness.

  3. Who's reading?
    "Le French" reminds me of "Le Car" - remember THOSE?!

  4. Le Car! I guess they figured, "Zees stoopeed Americains will theenk ennnytheeng ees chic because eet ees Francais!"
