Wednesday, July 22, 2009

From Mrs. Miniver... Desperate Housewife!


  1. There is something so frighteningly Stepford Wife about Greer Garson. But I would hire her to be my nurse maid in a minute.

  2. She was so coolly elegant that I'd hire her to go in and diss some salesclerk who'd treated me badly (a la Pretty Woman).
    Thanks for the lovely I know what do with my left over Reynolds Wrap!

  3. FlowerBell - Oh, I love Greer! Her immaculate perfection inspires me. Seriously, I think she's got maternal warmth which cuts the Grand Lady-isms; whereas somelike like, say, Joan Fontaine often seems frighteningly Stepford-ish. To me, anyway!

    marksparky - Tell me which shopgirl treated you badly. I'll cut a bitch.

  4. SO rare to see Greer submitting to the cheesecake shots! And this is later in her career, rather than at the start. First Deborah and now Greer. There are LADIES present today! lol

  5. Poseidon3 - Do you know which film this was publicity for? It would seem that La Garson wandered onto an Esther Williams set in Joan Crawford's shoes.

  6. Love Greer, however I dont remember these scenes in Mrs Minerva

  7. Sorry, but i'd bet a Lily Dache hat that her head has been superimposed on somebody else's body. Not that I doubt Greer had that nice a body, but there's that spooky look of a distended head that has been taken from one picture and attached to another.
