Thursday, September 10, 2009

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Last year around this time, we started up what was supposed to be a Weekly Feature of A-Z advice on dressing well and living elegantly. We quietly sputtered out after only a few installments, not from a lack of good ideas, but because of the lingering guilt and suspicion that, in these trying times, such a feature had little bearing on most people's day-to-day lives.

So, we leave it to you, faithful friends: shall we pick up where we left off? Or is it all just stuff and nonsense? Read the thread here. A slight disclaimer: the final two installments (which appear first, as they're presented in reverse-chronological order) are rather weak, an indication of our hesitancy and uncertainty whether or not we would continue. So please be kind.


  1. Darling you're wisdom and leadership is humbly requested. And do state your opinions as you see them; strongly, decisively. That way, even if I should disagree with a particular position (highly doubtful) I'll be more clearly informed as to WHY I disagree. I'll be a better person for it.

    Any time we can be presented with ideas reflecting civility and proper deportment and appearance, (especially these days) I, for one, will lap it up like a thirsty kitty.

  2. Yes please!! I want some of your fabulosity and good taste to rub off on me

  3. Yes, your fashion twist serves as an escape from these times like, heck, a three martini lunch!

  4. Encore! Bring it on home!

    Just skimming through your previous installments, I’ve already gleaned several style tips.

    Not only from YOU but from Ayem8y who said, "...never go shopping for clothes when naked..."

    And I couldn’t agree with you more than when you said, “If I see one more queen (male or biological female) parading about looking as if Louis Vuitton or Gucci had personally monogrammed their entire body, I'll scream.”

    Even when times are tough, we want to look our best and feel our best and you, TJB, are the man to guide us.

  5. Might I also suggest an "Ask TJB" column?

    Dear TJB: Does this peplum make my ass look fat?


  6. yes! we need your help more than ever!

  7. I was going to suggest a return of A-Z but since you mentioned it...Yes Yes Yes! I believe we were on C or something or another...please lets start the whole thing over.

  8. it looks like a lot of work for you, but if you're game, bring that feature back! just because i'm sifting through the bins at st.vincent de paul for my trousseau doesn't mean i don't need brilliant style & fashion advice.
